Ich will mich ja bekanntlich von meinem CRD trennen, nun lasst euch mal folgende Geschichte auf der Zunge zergehen:
Da meldet sich ein Dr. aus Indonesien, der den Jeep seiner Belegschaft "schenken" will. Er kommt selbst aus den Niederlanden und ist dort zum Hilfseinsatz auf Java
I went to the bank to make the transfer and I was informed that swift does not operate here in Indonesia for now because of the fact that every international transfer especially to europe, Australia and America are been screened for antiterrorism and drug trafficking,just to ascertain that the money is not for sponsoring terrorist activities and for drugs,so based on this the international remmittance department of the central bank must screen the funds thouroughly before they are transferred.Based on this the transfer will now take 9days instead of a 2days swift transfer,it will now be by a normal IBAN transfer to your account.
Please I need a help from you The agent who is meant to do the pick up and delivery just informed me that for him to be able to meet up with the transportation of the car, he will definitely need to book a shipping space immediately because he told me that cargo that normally go to that part of the world is best booked immediately so as to get a shipping space for the car or else he will not be able to deliver the car to him on the day for the retirement party which is the reason i am buying the car.He told me that if he has to wait for the 9 days it will be too late for him to book a space in the ship,so he told me that he has to book a space immediately so that when the money is on your account he will just come and take the car straight to the already booked shipping space for immediate delivery.
Please i want to add an extra 3,000euros to the money for your car.This money is the money meant for the shipping agent to make all the necessary expenses involved in the pick up and delivery of the car.pLease i want you to help me send 1,000euros as an advance payment to the agent from your own pocket immediately i transfer the money and then send the proof of transfer to you,you will take back this 1,000euros which you will help me send as soon as the money is on your account and then you will give to him 2,000euros in cash immediately he comes for the pick up and delivery of the car, he knows what to do with the money
I do not mean to bother you, but i do not have a choice.I will really appreciate if you will understand my plight and then help me.I wait for your response so i could know if to transfer the money or not.I come all the way from Java Island where the earthquake struck to Jakarta to be able to get an internet connection to write this mail so please i will appreciate if you will save me the stress of coming and going back always so i could make the transfer immediately.The rest will be with you and the shipping agent in Holland.
Nun ehe ich in Vorkasse gehe und mich der Geldwäsche schuldig mache fahre ich ihn lieber weiter
Ist diese Masche bekannt?
cu Falk
Da meldet sich ein Dr. aus Indonesien, der den Jeep seiner Belegschaft "schenken" will. Er kommt selbst aus den Niederlanden und ist dort zum Hilfseinsatz auf Java
I went to the bank to make the transfer and I was informed that swift does not operate here in Indonesia for now because of the fact that every international transfer especially to europe, Australia and America are been screened for antiterrorism and drug trafficking,just to ascertain that the money is not for sponsoring terrorist activities and for drugs,so based on this the international remmittance department of the central bank must screen the funds thouroughly before they are transferred.Based on this the transfer will now take 9days instead of a 2days swift transfer,it will now be by a normal IBAN transfer to your account.
Please I need a help from you The agent who is meant to do the pick up and delivery just informed me that for him to be able to meet up with the transportation of the car, he will definitely need to book a shipping space immediately because he told me that cargo that normally go to that part of the world is best booked immediately so as to get a shipping space for the car or else he will not be able to deliver the car to him on the day for the retirement party which is the reason i am buying the car.He told me that if he has to wait for the 9 days it will be too late for him to book a space in the ship,so he told me that he has to book a space immediately so that when the money is on your account he will just come and take the car straight to the already booked shipping space for immediate delivery.
Please i want to add an extra 3,000euros to the money for your car.This money is the money meant for the shipping agent to make all the necessary expenses involved in the pick up and delivery of the car.pLease i want you to help me send 1,000euros as an advance payment to the agent from your own pocket immediately i transfer the money and then send the proof of transfer to you,you will take back this 1,000euros which you will help me send as soon as the money is on your account and then you will give to him 2,000euros in cash immediately he comes for the pick up and delivery of the car, he knows what to do with the money
I do not mean to bother you, but i do not have a choice.I will really appreciate if you will understand my plight and then help me.I wait for your response so i could know if to transfer the money or not.I come all the way from Java Island where the earthquake struck to Jakarta to be able to get an internet connection to write this mail so please i will appreciate if you will save me the stress of coming and going back always so i could make the transfer immediately.The rest will be with you and the shipping agent in Holland.
Nun ehe ich in Vorkasse gehe und mich der Geldwäsche schuldig mache fahre ich ihn lieber weiter

Ist diese Masche bekannt?
cu Falk